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Product name L-Tryptophan
CAS No. 73-22-3
Quality standard AJI,EP,USP,BP,FCC,CP
Molecular formula C11H12N2O2
Molecular weight 204.23
Character This product is a white or almost white to slightly yellow crystalline powder, odorless or slightly odorous, L-type slightly bitter, DL -, D-type slightly sweet. Decomposition at 289 ° C, slightly soluble in water, insoluble in ethanol; Dissolve in dilute acid or alkali, stain under prolonged light, and co heat with water to produce a small amount of indole. If heated in the presence of sodium hydroxide or copper sulfate, a large amount of indole is produced. When heated in the dark, it is more stable with acid and easily decomposes when coexisting with other amino acids, sugars, and aldehydes.
Use Tryptophan is a heterocyclic amino acid, which is an important essential amino acid for the human body and widely used in the food industry.
1. Used for nutrient fortified foods. Used as a third feed amino acid. Tryptophan contained in egg white protein, fish meat, corn flour, etc. is a limiting amino acid, while it is less contained in grains such as rice. Color can be combined with lysine, methionine, and threonine to strengthen amino acids.
2. Tryptophan is an important component of amino acid infusion and comprehensive amino acid preparations.
3. Used as a nutritional supplement for pregnant women and special milk powder for infants and young children.
Package 25KG/full paper drum, can be packaged according to user needs
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